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Author Topic: Manpage translations  (Read 4382 times)


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Manpage translations
« on: November 15, 2006, 12:51:11 PM »

I know, that this is usualy the work of the devs, but I think, if I ask you as a translator it could be done earlier. Many or all manpages exist only in a few translations. Could you do thetranslation of these in your language? Here is a list, of what we have now:

docs/man/amule: en, de, es, fr, hu, eu
docs/man/amuled: en, de, es, fr, hu, eu
docs/man/amulecmd: en, de, es, fr, hu, eu
docs/man/amuleweb: en, de, es, fr, hu, eu
docs/man/ed2k: en, de, es, fr, hu, eu
src/utils/aLinkCreator/docs/alc: en, de, es, hu, eu
src/utils/aLinkCreator/docs/alcc: en, de, es, fr, hu, eu
src/utils/cas/docs/cas: en, de, es, hu, eu
src/utils/wxCas/docs/wxcas: en, de, es, hu, eu
src/utils/xas/docs/xas: en, de, es, hu, eu

I think, that not only the app should be localized, the doku should be, too. Unfortunately I could only do the german one, which is aviable for all mans. I hope you find the time to cfeate the missing. For questions I'm more or less always aviable through forums, e-mail or irc.
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