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Author Topic: aMule v2.3.3 for Windows  (Read 11673 times)


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aMule v2.3.3 for Windows
« on: May 25, 2021, 01:55:25 PM »

Hi. I built aMule v2.3.3 for Windows with GCC 8.3.0 and Mingw-w64 6.0.0. You can download the binaries here:

It works well on Windows except that it can't update a zipped IP filter file. That's to say, to update the IP filter, you may need to manually download one from, extract it, and replace the old one. Details of this issue are here:

It is built with GeoIP support, but not tested since I don't have a GeoIP data file. Also I don't know how to load the translations. When I try to change the language, it says "There are no translations installed for aMule".
« Last Edit: May 26, 2021, 01:52:23 PM by minnyres »


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Re: aMule v2.3.3 for Windows
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2021, 06:21:02 PM »

Also I don't know how to load the translations. When I try to change the language, it says "There are no translations installed for aMule".

This problem is solved. I made a new package that is able to automatically load translations. The folders for translations and skins should be in the same location as the binary files.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2021, 06:29:07 PM by minnyres »