aMule Forum
English => Skins & GUI => Topic started by: Ibn on April 24, 2009, 09:17:07 PM
Web-GMUI is a multi client / multi gui web interface
that can connect to MLDonkey/aMule/rTorrent/Transmission and giFT.
Web Site ( & Download ( & Changelog (
The last release had some serious bugs.
Those should be fixed by now.
Which aMule versions are supported (and tested with) ? 2.2.4 , SVN or both ?
That would be 2.2.4
Support for aMule SVN is in preparation, but it wouldn't work for 2.2.4 anymore.
If you support multiple apps, you could also support multiple versions of an app (aMule 2.2.x, aMule 2.3).
We had to change the protocol to counter a potential security hole.
Supporting multiple aMule versions is possible.
But it's tedious.
The problem isn't the authorization enhancement, but incompatible changes between EC versions 0x0200 and 0x0202.
If the enum values of the ECCodes would keep their values and new entries would get unused values,
then there would no need to do any code duplication at all.
The difference could be dealt with an (automatic) runtime switch.
Oops. I'm afraid this was me. I guess backwards compatibility in protocol design should play an as high role as code clarity from now on...
Sorry for your troubles.
EC_OP_NOOP = 0x01,
EC_OP_AUTH_REQ = 0x02,
EC_OP_AUTH_OK = 0x04,
EC_OP_FAILED = 0x05,
EC_OP_NOOP = 0x01,
EC_OP_AUTH_REQ = 0x02,
EC_OP_AUTH_OK = 0x04,
EC_OP_FAILED = 0x07,
I already rearranged that (that's what happened to 0x201). The idea was that an old GUI trying to connect to a new client should exit gracefully which it does that way iirc.
Stu, all names should keep their values, unlike EC_OP_FAILED above.
The initial auth request includes the protocol version the gui uses.
Why not send EC_OP_AUTH_FAIL when the protocol version is not supported (and some error string and protocol version tag attached)?
That would make it possible to choose the protocol version on the gui side.
I forgot to say, thanks for all the work you put into aMule. Keep up the good work!
Soon, maybe, soon.
The initial auth request includes the protocol version the gui uses.
Why not send EC_OP_AUTH_FAIL when the protocol version is not supported (and some error string and protocol version tag attached)?
Well - it's actually doing that. I have tried resetting EC_OP_AUTH_REQ-FAILED to 2-5 and then cross connected old and new client with new and old gui. I got a correct error message every time.
So - should I make 0x0203 which equals 0x200 and just extends the new codes ? Thrice should pay for all. ;)
So - should I make 0x0203 which equals 0x200 and just extends the new codes ?
Yes please. :)
Changed in 9599. :)
It is working now. Thanks.