A first guess, the ABI missmatch could bork the window sizing. Maybe it's just an error in config file reading.
I have some issue with aMule that happens repeatedly on my Linux Manjaro (Arch based) with XFCE desktop. When i minimize amule window (i suppose it should go to tray, because closing ask for quitting the app), then the amule taskbar button start disappearing and appearing from taskbar and whole interface stop responding so i have to do Ctrl+Alt+F4 and kill the amule (ps aux|grep amule;kill -9 AmulePidNumber). Then i return back to XFCE desktop by Alt+F7 and within a few seconds XFCE start responding. I was launching this amule instance from within command line and with -o (log to STDOUT) parameter, and i do not see any errors or such:
!2020-10-29 02:10:29: Connected to Kad (ok)
!2020-10-29 08:10:38: Connected to Kad (firewalled)
!2020-10-29 08:10:39: Connected to Kad (ok)
!2020-10-29 17:10:56: Connected to Kad (firewalled)
!2020-10-29 17:10:56: Connected to Kad (ok)
If you are able to help fix this, please let me know what should i do to shed some light on this. Thank you