I tried to re-register (forgotten my old username, 3 years old), that succeed as I received
the mail from 'Matis' and I also could add a password for my new username.
But ... I cannot login !
Each time I try, 'Mantis' reply : « That username does not exist. » !
But -- of course -- this username is valid, as I can see your e-mail
just there, saying «Thank you for registering. You have account with username 'jeep' ».
I've tried to reload FireFox, then removing your cookies, but all failed ...
Dunno what to do at the time ...
I connect with FireFox 2 (IceWeasel) under Linux Debian 4.0 (Etch).
[sorry for my far to perfect english]
N.B. : The first time it failed, the error message (in bugtracker) was like :
« Your username is blocked or disactived or doesn't exist »
So, maybe it is blocked (because of too much tries, maybe), but, in this
case, how can we re-activate it ?