wxWidgets 3.0.5 does not support macOS Dark Mode. You have to "force" light mode for aMule (as shown in previous posts):
defaults write org.amule.aMule NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool yes
Thank you, it fixes it.
I'm now facing a problem with uPnP. The option is grayed out.
You said it is disabled for security reasons.
Why is that?
Could we manually enable it?
In amule.conf it is enabled, but still, grayed out in the app.
The library it is not linked in the binary, so there is nothing that can be manually done.
For those be troubled by low-id because of lack upnp feature, you may setup upnp by yourselves. Just open terminal window to run:
port install miniupnpc
upnpc -r 4321 UDP 8765 TCP # change port number or add more port-proto
If you don't have MacPorts, search and install it firstly.