Hi again aMule Team!
All of those, except the database link, are on the table for when I have time.
Current forecast says I should be able to get 1 or 2 done around 2034.
What the f###!
You are very meticulous, are you?
Think positive, at least we have a date!
I can help with you in that, so we could finish it together in 2043.
You are "fast" problem resolver too!
And one think more when you do the change:
More cover spammer users, just register in order to put his/her
link on the sign. That behavior it's for increment his/her web-page
page-rang or score at the web search engines.
To annoy that kind of person, you can block the sign until
they post at least X post on the forum and always put
automatically on the links the tag no follow.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NofollowI hope that helps you!
P.D.: Please, really don't wait until a new aMule version come out in
order to do the clean-up... because this is going to be a little chaos.
At least do it on the mantis Bug-Tracker!